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Date : 2010-09-24
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RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene ~ Once thought to be just a messenger that allows genetic information encoded in DNA to direct the formation of proteins RNA ribonucleic acid is now known to be a highly versatile molecule that has multiple roles in cells It can function as an enzyme scaffold various subcellular structures
RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene ~ RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene Regulation Once thought to be just a messenger that allows genetic information encoded in DNA to direct the formation of proteins RNA ribonucleic acid is now known to be a highly versatile molecule that has multiple roles in cells
RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene Regulation ~ Buy RNA Worlds 9780879699468 From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene Regulation NHBS Edited By John F Atkins Raymond F Gesteland and Thomas R Cech Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press About Help Blog Jobs Established 1985 NHBS GmbH
RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene ~ RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene Regulation Editors John F Atkins Raymond F Gesteland and Thomas R Cech
RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene ~ Eugene V Koonin RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene Regulation edited by John F Atkins Raymond F Gesteland and Thomas R Cech The Quarterly Review of Biology 87 no 1 March 2012 6666
RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene ~ RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene Regulation Subject Areas Molecular Biology Genetics Biochemistry Origin and Evolution of Life Edited by John F Atkins University of Utah University College Cork and Trinity College Dublin Raymond F Gesteland University of Utah Thomas R Cech Howard Hughes Medical Institute University of Colorado
RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene ~ RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene Regulation Edited By John F Atkins University of Utah University College Cork and Trinity College Dublin Raymond F Gesteland University of Utah Thomas R Cech Howard Hughes Medical Institute University of Colorado
RNA worlds from lifes origins to diversity in gene ~ The term RNA World refers to a hypothetical time in the evolution of life on earth in which catalytic RNA was the sole genetic material and in which the standard WatsonCrick pairing was the basis of genetic manipulation a hypothesis that has been given a new lease on life due to the recent discovery of presentday RNA molecules that do indeed display catalytic activity
Buy RNA Worlds From Lifes Origins to Diversity in Gene ~ From the Back Cover Once thought to be just a messenger that allows genetic information encoded in DNA to direct the formation of proteins RNA ribonucleic acid is now known to be a highly versatile molecule that has multiple roles in cells It can function as an enzyme scaffold various subcellular structures
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