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Date : 2007-07-17
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Rating : 4.5
Reviews : 16
Category : Book

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Ogallala Blue Water and Life on the Great Plains by ~ Ogallala Blue is fascinating if you are interested in the state of the Ogallala Aquifer that provides water to much of the Great Plains from Texas to South Dakota Since this area is Americas socalled bread basket the agriculture here is vital to the rest of the US and to some extent the world
Ogallala Blue Water and Life on the Great Plains William ~ The Ogallala Aquifer that lies deep beneath the Great Plains from Texas to Colorado contains enough water to fill Lake Erie nine times Every year five trillion gallons are pumped out for irrigation and if or when the aquifer goes dry 20 billion worth of food and fiber grown with that irrigation will disappear
Ogallala Blue Water and Life on the Great Plains by ~ The story of a crucial dwindling natural resource an invisible ocean of fresh water under the Great Plains The Ogallala aquifer contains enough water to fill Lake Erie not once but nine times over and it stretches from Texas to South Dakota from Colorado almost to Nebraska
Ogallala Blue Water and Life on the Great Plains ~ The Ogallala Aquifer that lies deep beneath the Great Plains from Texas to Colorado contains enough water to fill Lake Erie nine times Every year five trillion gallons are pumped out for irrigation and if or when the aquifer goes dry 20 billion worth of food and fiber grown with that irrigation will disappear
Ogallala Blue Water and Life on the Great Plains ~ Ogalalla Blue is the story of a crucial dwindling natural resource an invisible ocean of fresh water under the Great Plains This is an account of people as well as water with many vignettes of those living in the shadow of the Ogallalas decline and ultimate demise
Review of Ogallala Blue Water and Life on the High Plains ~ Great Plains Research A Journal of Natural and Social Sciences Great Plains Studies Center for Spring 2007 Review of Ogallala Blue Water and Life on the High Plains by William Ashworth Sandra Zellmer College of Law University of NebraskaLincoln szellmer2
Ogallala blue water and life on the High Plains ~ The story of a crucial dwindling natural resource an invisible ocean of fresh water under the Great Ogallala aquifer contains enough water to fill Lake Erie not once but nine times over and it stretches from Texas to South Dakota from Colorado almost to Nebraska
My Ten Cents Book Review Ogallala Blue Water and ~ The OgallalaHPAS is the light blue massive Rorschach inkblot of groundwater in the USAs midsection The OgallalaHPAS is one of the largest and most productive aquifers in the world Cutting to the Chase Read it excellent book
Ogallala Blue Water and Life on the Great Plains ~ This video is unavailable Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue
Ogallala Aquifer Wikipedia ~ The Ogallala Aquifer ohguhLAHluh is a shallow water table aquifer surrounded by sand silt clay and gravel located beneath the Great Plains in the United States One of the worlds largest aquifers it underlies an area of approximately 174000 sq mi 450000 km 2 in portions of eight states South Dakota Nebraska Wyoming Colorado Kansas Oklahoma New Mexico and Texas 1
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