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Date : 1996-04-23
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Genetic Data Analysis II Methods for Discrete Population ~ Like its predecessor before it Genetic Data Analysis II rapidly became a standard reference in the field of population genetics The book is a significant improvement on the previous title and serves to update the text to take account of the considerable changes in computer analysis molecular biology and even statistical approaches
Genetic Data Analysis II Methods for Discrete Population ~ Genetic Data Analysis first published in 1990 became the standard reference for ways to interpret discrete population genetic data Genetic Data Analysis II retains the strengths of the original book and based upon the suggestions of users includes many new features notably the revision of Chapter 10 Phylogeny Reconstruction to incorporate newer methods and new chapters on Linkage and
Genetic data analysis II methods for discrete population ~ This revised and expanded second edition of Genetic Data Analysis details the statistical methodology needed to draw inferences from discrete genetic data Major changes from the first edition include an expanded treatment of linkage including methods to locate human disease genes and a new chapter on individual identification
Genetic Data Analysis II Sinauer Associates ~ Genetic Data Analysis II Methods for Discrete Population Genetic Data BRUCE S WEIR Program in Statistical Genetics Department of Statistics North Carolina State University Sinauer Associates Inc Publishers Sunderland Massachusetts 5 POPULATION STRUCTURE 161
Weir 1996 Genetic Data Analysis II Methods for ~ Weir 1996 Genetic Data Analysis II Methods for Discrete Population Genetic Data Sinauer Associates Inc Sunderland has been cited by the following article TITLE A Fundamental Statistical Tools Application for Livestock Diversity Studies from Microsatellite Data—A Mini Review
Genetic Data Analysis Methods for Discrete Population ~ Genetic Data for Discrete Population Genetic Data Bruce S Weir Sinauer Sunderland MA 1990 xiv 377 pp illus 48 paper 27
Genetic data analysis Methods for discrete population ~ This book describes in detail statistical methods used in the analysis of population genetic data of a discrete enumeration nature such as genotype frequencies It is not concerned with the analysis of continuously variable traits It is the authors hope that the book will bridge the gap between ElandtJohnsons Probability Models and Statistical Methods in Genetics published 20 years
Genetic data analysis II methods for discrete population ~ Genetic Data Analysis first published in 1990 became the standard reference for ways to interpret discrete population genetic data Genetic Data Analysis II retains the strengths of the original book and based upon the suggestions of users includes many new features notably the revision of Chapter 10 Phylogeny Reconstruction to incorporate newer methods and new chapters on Linkage and
Genetic data analysis II methods for discrete population ~ Get this from a library Genetic data analysis II methods for discrete population genetic data 9780878939022 B S Weir
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