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Date : 1981-09-01
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The Pacific Halibut the Resource and the Fishery F ~ The book covers a lot of seaspace from the scientific naming conventions of the halibut to a detailed history of its commercial exploitation in the Pacific Northwest to the ports traditionally associated with the fishery and the local and international attempts to manage the resource
The Fishery — Wild Pacific Halibut ~ In Canada the management of the wild Pacific halibut fishery requires full accountability of all fish caught halibut and nonhalibut species regardless of whether the fish is retained or released and features a world class catch monitoring system
Pacific Halibut NOAA Fisheries ~ About The Species Pacific halibut is the largest species of flatfish It is native to the North Pacific Ocean and it is fished by commercial recreational and subsistence fishermen Huge Pacific halibut sometimes called barn doors can attain a length of over 8 feet and a width of over 5 feet
Pacific Halibut FishWatch ~ Pacific halibut is one of the most valuable commercial and recreational fishery resources in the North Pacific Ocean About 2 percent of the halibut population that can be fished is found off Oregon and Washington about 15 percent off British Columbia and the remainder off Alaska
12 North Pacific Halibut Fishery Management Ecological ~ North Pacific Halibut Fishery Management The goal of management of a commercially important resource is to resolve the conflict between maintenance and exploitation Unfettered exploitation often leads to disappearance of the resource as in the cases of whales passenger pigeons and buffaloes
Commercial Fisheries IPHC ~ A typical Pacific halibut fishing trip in today’s fishery begins with the vessel taking on several tons of crushed ice so that the catch can be chilled near but usually not below the freezing point Once the vessel reaches the fishing grounds the gear is set left to soak for several hours and then hauled back aboard
Pacific Halibut California Department of Fish and Wildlife ~ During the early 1900s the commercial Pacific halibut fishery in California was substantial hundreds of thousands of pounds were landed from San Francisco to Eureka By the late 1950s however the coastwide fishery Alaska to California was over capacity and management measures were taken to reduce fishing pressure
Pacific Halibut Additional Resources Alaska Department of ~ The Pacific halibut the resource and the fishery Alaska Northwest Publishing Company Anchorage 267 pp This is a rich source of historical and biological information by a former director of the IPHC
FisheryIndependent Setline Survey FISS IPHC ~ The International Pacific Halibut Commission IPHC FisheryIndependent Setline Survey FISS provides catch information and biological data on Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis that are independent of the fishery These data collected using standardized methods bait and gear during the summer of each year provide an important comparison with data collected from the directed fishery
Pacific Fishery Management Council ~ The Council is also active in international fishery management organizations that manage fish stocks that migrate through the Council’s area of jurisdiction including the International Pacific Halibut Commission for Pacific halibut the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission for albacore tuna and other highly migratory species
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